Our wild world captured by you.

Focus for Survival is a celebration of Mother Nature through photography.
Images in our collection have kindly been donated by professional and celebrity supporters, or by photographers who have won a place in our exhibition by entering our Focus for Survival photographic competition.
In many cases, the story beyond the image is one of habitat loss, population fragmentation, persecution, conflict, pollution and declining numbers while others tell a tale of conservation success, adaption and resilience. The images are a powerful reminder of the colour, beauty and diversity of our planet and a persuasive call to action to protect the wild.
Image at top: Artur Stankiewicz Focus for Survival finalist 2022. Image on left: Paul Goldstein. Images below from left to right: Will Burrard Lucas, Peter Ian Chadwick, Fiona Mackay.
Photography has the power to inspire a wide audience. By sharing the story behind the image, we can raise vital awareness about threats to wildlife and wild spaces while also raising funds for frontline projects through the sale of prints and/or calendars.
Many of the images in our collection feature an at-risk wild space, or a species listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List – the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. Any species with a categorisation of Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered means it faces a high risk of extinction in the wild. All the images have a conservation story to tell.
Simon Auteri, Milky Way Shark, People’s Choice Winner 2020
Many esteemed professional photographers have donated their work to spotlight the urgency of environmental conservation. Their compelling images serve as powerful narratives, raising awareness about the threats facing our natural world and inspiring action to protect it.
Professional photographers supporting our initiatives include Sebastiao Salgado, Michael Kenna, Richard Mosse, Beverly Joubert, Daniel Beltra, Will Burrard-Lucas, Doug Allen, Gordon Buchanan, Paul Goldstein and Margot Raggett, among many others.
In addition, we are fortunate to have celebrity support. Travel writer/presenter Simon Reeve donated an image of a leopard taken on holiday in Kenya, while explorers Levison Wood and Kingsley Holgate have also donated powerful images in support of the campaign.
Sebastiao Salgado, Brooks Range – The Extinction Collection 2024