Sketch for Survival 100 Junior Finalists 2022

The Junior competition has been amazing – thank you to everyone who entered and special thanks to all the parents, grandparents and school teachers who encouraged their young people, and helped them to enter.
From Armenia to Vietnam, we received entries from all over the world. Red pandas and polar bears were very popular.
Well done to the 100 finalists, listed below and the short-listed artists who were included in our online fund-raising auction on 20 November.
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Many congratulations to the finalists in the 1-7 age group.
CHAN Hoi Ying TANG Hok Him Aiden Cheung Tik Long Chevelle Lim Yun Jia Christina Valerie Boen Lucas Zhao Guo SiYu Iskra Masic Kaylene Bong Keith Ashton Andrew Kirthisri Kalyan Li Yan Hei Lin Xinyu Moses Wee En Zhi Nathaniel Dion Tanamas Nerissa Ruan Suzanah Johns Tyler Ng V SAI YASHIKA Valerie Chow WU XI WEN Xinyu Zheng Zeng Shenxin WONG Tsz Yau
Congratulations to the finalists in our 8-12 category.
Viara-Pencheva WONG Tsz Kiu Abbie Milner Abhaykrishnan K B Akhil Senthil Alexandra Šromovská Alison Kuay Bai Tian Chaewon Yoon Daisy Grove DELPHINE YAP Lochie Tallini Giorgia Millie Kent Han Muge Harry Bradley-Brophy Long Ching Wan Minseo Kwak Miss.poonyisa sodsai Padma Unnam Rosabelle Lee Samuel David Sarah Rosen SEE JIA YUAN Serim Park Si Fangfei Sofia Sventekova Tatiana Papsonov Viara Plamenova Pencheva Vicki Du Victoria Stepanova ZH0U RUI YING Zhang Yihan Zhu YuChen Kridtin Tepumnuasokul
Very well done to the finalists in the 13-16 age group.
Aditya Yogi Lujza Hudecov Yanjun Mao Aditya V Yogi Arshpreet Gill Celine Heidie Hermanto Dahamdee Senethma Wijayaratne Diane Park Ellyn Leigh Emily Nam Cho Emma Marhefková Hikma Manajir Holly Gill Jessica xu Ji YingXi Joanne Chae Lodaka Li Lucy Chen Martha Cass Mehak Vijay Chawla Nathanael Clement Susanto Oneli Seyara Gangoda Sahana Kamalakannan Salvatore Rendina Sasha Paterson Serena Shek Sophia Prlc Talya Nasser Yash Kashyap Yougun Yang Yunseo Choung Susmita Mohanta EmaIllésová_Kakapo Gerrard Hamin Oh IzabelaMiklošová Katherine Hyerin Song LenkaHalžová SarahFábian Taeyi Kim Tan Yutian ValentínaAmbrozyová ViktóriaLučanská
Below you will find a gallery of the Highly Commended artworks – this comprises all the artworks across the three categories that we physically received at Explorer HQ for Stage Two selection (and not already listed above). Well done to all the children.
(Certificates of Participation were emailed at the end of September – if you have not received this email then please do check your spam filter before contacting us as it is probably in there – thank you!).
If you would like to purchase a Junior artwork – please see details below. Artworks are sold on a first come first served basis. Please email us to check availability – if the piece is available, we can reserve it for you and send you an invoice to pay by PayPal or via BACS. Thank you.
Highly Commended £20 + shipping
Finalists £30 + shipping
Short-Listed – please see auction site here – Junior lots 211 / 222 / 226 are available at the starting bid of £50
Aaron Hakim Afreen Naheed Mussa ALICIA IBRAHIM Angela Ashling McDermott Bhagyashree Chelsea Chen CHEN XIYUE China Mei Lin D. Alvarado Deepshikha De Eli Park Ema Hannah MartanÄÃková Eva Predescu Harshini sree G Huang Xingxuan Ioana BoÈ›ogan Jin HiHan Jin Yuanzheng Kang ZeHao Kridtin Tepumnuasakul Li Jiayu Li Tiancheng Maya Farrokhzadeh Mya Baker Natalia Maria Rusu Rahma alam Rebecca Wu Sion Han Sophie Ilg Trishulan Vijay Ananda W.M.R.P. Nethupuli Xie Zixuan Zara Bond Zhang Yinling Agnes Leong Alyssa Saha Amanda Zhao Aryama Bharti Ayan Kamath Mehra Chen Yanxu Devlini Denethmie Kudathanthirige Emily Yu Faizah Lamisa Geethika Baskaran Grace Horrell Nguyá»…n Hoà ng Kim Ngân Nikola Regecová Rad Marcel Ruby Bye Serena Xu Siyona Bhandari Yanjun Mao BroganCollins ubanaHoletiakov KlraRofrov NatliaBallayov Grace Horrell VeronikaRemencov ShaleighaWallam10 RebecaMariaNedelcu TerenceCai Sara-Manoj-Vairage-7years Angelina Ji Jisoo Yang Katherine Hyerin Song Luna Kim Tsumugi_Wild Axolotyl Anya Karthik April Hu Arthur Chiang Brienne HAU Cai Jenkins Chu Zi Xuan Jenny Baker Jiarun Wu Krittinat Tepumnuasakul Kuhu Kacher Kylian Fan Ka Lun Lim Yun Rou Olivia Lin Xinyu Liu Qifan Lucas Zhao Mila Viereck Mira Ilg Moses Wee En Zhi Priya Senthil Sienna Jacquemard Stanley Kettleborough Tam Yuet Hei Karson Teresa E. Mtaya V SAI YASHIKA Victoria Chiang WANG YU ZHEN WU XI WEN Yaxuan Zhang Ophelia Morgan Drew Amara Gonzalez-Cabrera Yolanda Wang Ameliya Wijesundara Chan Hoi Nam, Kingsley
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