Donated: US$ 7,500
Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a not-for-profit organisation and home to the last two Northern White Rhinos in the World. They are guarded by a dedicated team 24hrs a day. It also contains the largest population of Black Rhinos in East Africa with over 120 individuals. Ol Pejeta has a successful tracking and anti-poaching dog unit keeping this vital sustainable population of black rhino safe.

In 2017 we donated a sniffer dog via the Animals saving Animals organisation, to join this unit, responsible for checking vehicles as they enter the reserve for explosives or munitions.
A springer spaniel called Drum was bought and initially trained in the UK was deployed in Spring 2019 and is now carrying out his work, generating a huge amount of publicity for Ol Pejeta in the process, with features on the BBC and in The Times amongst many others. This is the other aim of EAE – to generate awareness of the issues facing endangered animals. Thank you Drum!
Ol Pejeta Conservancy works to conserve wildlife, provide a sanctuary for great apes, and to generate income through wildlife tourism and complementary enterprise for reinvestment in conservation and communities.
About OL Pejeta Conservancy
Ol Pejeta is the largest black rhino sanctuary in east Africa, and home to two of the world’s last remaining northern white rhino. It is the only place in Kenya to see chimpanzees, in a Sanctuary established to rehabilitate animals rescued from the black market. It has some of the highest predator densities in Kenya, and still manages a very successful livestock programme.
Ol Pejeta also seeks to support the people living around its borders, to ensure wildlife conservation translates to better education, healthcare and infrastructure for the next generation of wildlife guardians.

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