In 2018 we donated $50,000 to African Parks to help establish a new working dogs programme in UNESCO World Heritage Garamba NP, DRC.
The funds achieved:
-the construction of a kennel complex capable of housing a unit of 6 dogs, and a dedicated housing-compound for the handlers and unit guards.
-The purchase and deployment of two anti-poaching dogs.
-Equipment for six dogs and handlers.
-Ongoing veterinary and maintenance expenses for the first 12 months.
Four additional anti-poaching dogs were deployed using funding available from the European Union.
This unit opened in 2019 with all six dogs (3 Malinois – Qualla, Hina & Rocky; 2 Alsatians – Perla and Dano; and one German Pointer – Pax). As part of an extensive law enforcement programme in Garamba the unit has contributed to a 90% drop in elephant poaching.
To make the unit more sustainable the aim was, in time, to train up local Congolese dogs.
The Basenji is one of the oldest breeds of domestic dog and originates in the DRC. Known as the ‘barkless dog’, they are resistant to local diseases such as Trypanosomiasis.
Two Basenji have now been purchased by the canine unit. As far as African Parks are aware, these will be the first Basenjis to be trialled as conservation canines.
This innovative approach should prove beneficial for the unit as well as a new skillset for the handlers. The puppies are around 8 weeks old now and undergoing daily training and socialisation – we look forward to bringing you further updates!