21 For 21 Project Directory
21 For 21 is a campaign to champion the work of 21 conservation projects from around the world throughout 2021.

All donations and fund-raising in 2021 will go to our 21 For 21 Project Fund. We’ve pledged support of at least £2,100 per project giving us a target of £44,100 GBP. We’d love to smash this target, so that we can provide further support where it is most needed.
We’ve partnered with projects from Brazil to Borneo, representing many species and wild spaces from the forests to the oceans. In each case, human activity is the biggest driver of destruction. This unique initiative gives YOU the opportunity to contribute to worldwide conservation – just £21 supports all 21 projects. To find out more about each project and how they need your support more than ever right now, please click on the images below.
Seagrass Restoration, UK 2. Saving the Last West African Giraffe, Niger 3.Kit for Conservation K9s 4.Protecting Pangolins, South Africa 5.Big Cat Conservation, Tanzania 6. Protecting Ol Pejeta, Kenya 7. Sowing Seeds to Save Gorillas, Uganda 8. Whale Shark Conservation, Indian Ocean Turtle Watch, Sri Lanka 10.Manta Ray Research, Indian Ocean 11.Big Cats of Bandipur, India 12.Elephant Sanctuary Support, Cambodia Saving the World's Smallest Bear Trees for Koalas, Australia Saving New Zealand's Dolphins 16. Wild Water Whales, Southern Ocean Spotlight on Albatrosses, South Georgia 18.Rewilding in the Pantanal, Brazil Floating Classroom, Galapagos Safeguarding the Maya Mountain Marine Corridor, Belize 21. Wildlife Protector Programme, US & Africa