Are you an artist, photographer or writer?
Use your art to connect with a wide audience and raise vital awareness about environmental issues, as well as much needed funds for conservation. To find out more about our creative initiatives please see below!
Partnerships to Protect the Wild
Help us celebrate the beauty and colour of the natural world while also supporting frontline projects fighting to save wildlife and wild spaces.
We organise a series of exhibitions and auctions, as well as selling art online and through our pop-up shops throughour the year.
We run three creative competitions which are open to everyone, anywhere in the world. The idea is to showcase YOUR art and raise awareness about species on the edge of extinction, and at-risk wild spaces. The submission deadline for this year is 30 June. Click on the images above to find out more about each category.
Image at top:Milky Way Shark, Simona Auteri Focus for Survival 2020
All proceeds go to our Project Fund to support nominated projects around the world.
To browse the Project Directory and find out more about some of the projects we’ve supported please click here.