
Category: Environment

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If it Stays, it Pays.

If it Stays, it Pays.

Could Soil Carbon replace Trophy Hunting? By Martin Aveling When it comes to wildlife conservation, nothing quite gets people’s emotions charged like the issue of trophy hunting. Some view it as an inexpiable evil, whereas others say it is necessary to avoid greater suffering. Across Africa an area seven times the size of the United...

Protecting Biodiversity Through Eco-Friendly Plumbing Solutions

Protecting Biodiversity Through Eco-Friendly Plumbing Solutions

Biodiversity, an intricate tapestry of life stretching from microbes to mammals, forms our sustenance matrix. However, human endeavors are disrupting this crucial and interdependent dance, imperiling our collective health and resilience. The Role of Biodiversity in Ecosystems Imagine thriving ecosystems akin to a harmonious symphony, each player—diverse species—adding richness. They perform essential, unnoticed roles like...


Maintaining an Eco-friendly Business: The Benefits Of Going Green

The idea of running an environmentally sustainable business is something that companies should pay attention to. Across the globe, governments are enforcing more ecologically friendly regulations, and consumers are demanding lower carbon footprints. Beyond the obvious benefits of reducing global warming and protecting the environment, going green has several other advantages, which can boost the...

How to Properly Dispose of Electronic Waste

How to Properly Dispose of Electronic Waste

In today’s fast-paced world, technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. Every year, we see more and more electronic devices and gadgets being introduced to the market, from smartphones and laptops to televisions and kitchen appliances. While these devices are meant to make our lives easier and more convenient, they also contribute to an alarming...